
May 24, 2011

Facing Your Giants


Pernah merasa takut??
Jawabannya, pastilah...
Oo.. Salah.. Pertanyaan yang tepat adalah apakah anda adalah orang yang 'sering' merasa takut??

Saya sangat yakin, kita semua mempunyai satu titik gelap dan kelam yang akan terus mengitari kehidupan kita. Kita bisa saja takut dan khawatir tentang masa depan, masa lalu, orang-orang yang dikasihi, kehilangan seseorang atau hak milik, masalah/konflik, kegagalan atau apapun itu.

Semua orang pasti mempunyai rasa takut/khawatir paling sedikit satu hal dalam hidup.
Mungkin saat ini kita berhasil mengatasinya, tetapi pernah mengalami atau tidak, titik itu akan kembali membayangi kita, dengan cara yang sama atau dengan bungkusan yang berbeda.

Itulah sebabnya saya membedakannya, mempunyai rasa takut itu wajar bagi semua orang. Tetapi sering dikuasai oleh rasa takut dan khawatir itu adalah pilihan.
Rasa takut itu muncul karena suatu defisit yang sadar atau tidak disadari merupakan akibat dari semua ketimpangan dan tidak idealnya lingkungan dan manusia yang ada di sekitar kita.

Hmm.. Saya 'sering' merasa takut. Takut gagal. Akhirnya takut memilih. Takut sesuatu yg buruk terjadi pada orang-orang yg saya kasihi. Takut menghadapi masalah dengan orang-orang terdekat.
Aneh yah? Itulah 'giant-giant' dalam pikiran saya..

Nats saat teduh pagi hari ini, mengingatkan saya :

And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure to his stature or to the span of his life? (Matt 6:27)
Siapakah di antara kamu yang karena kekuatirannya dapat menambahkan sehasta saja pada jalan hidupnya?

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. 
Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matt. 6:34).
Sebab itu janganlah kamu kuatir akan hari besok, karena hari besok mempunyai kesusahannya sendiri. Kesusahan sehari cukuplah untuk sehari."

This was His wise conclusion to His teaching 
on the debilitating power of worry
Worry doesn’t accomplish anything positive
it just adds to the sense that we are drowning in the troubles we are facing. 
We must take things as they come­—one day at a time­—and trust Him for the wisdom to respond properly.

Inilah kesimpulan bijaksana dari pengajaran Tuhan Yesus tentang kekuatan untuk melemahkan kekhawatiran. Kekhawatiran tidak menambah sesuatu yang positif, hanya akan membawa kita tenggelam semakin dalam pada masalah yang kita hadapi.  
Kita harus menghadapi masalah sebagaimana saat mereka datang dan  percayalah bahwa IA akan memberikan kebijaksanaan untuk merespon dengan tepat.

Memang benar, hari ini, saat ini, apabila saya sedang takut dan khawatir maka otomatis saya akan kehilangan damai sejahtera dan sukacita. Jika kita memilih untuk khawatir atau takut, maka hal itu hanya akan menambah beratnya realita yg sebenarnya harus kita hadapi. Bahkan saya mendapati, banyak sekali hal yg saya takutkan dan khawatirkan adalah hal-hal yang tidak pernah terjadi dalam hidup saya. Ketakutan dan kekhawatiran tidak menambah apapun yang baik dalam hidup kita, selain menambahkan beratnya beban yang harus kita tanggung.

Menariknya bagian ini karena kunci damai sejahtera yang akan menepis semua ketakutan dan kekhawatiran ada di ayat 33 :

But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and 
His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), 
and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.
(Matt 6:33)

Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenaran-nya, 
maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu.

Teman saya bernama Eka Christa, sewaktu kami berdua sharing bersama di Solaria.. Dia mengumpamakan kepada saya mencari nilai Kerajaan Allah dan kebenaranNya itu seperti sebuah magnet.
Ketika kita mendapatkan magnet itu, maka semua hal lainnya akan otomatis dipengaruhi oleh gaya tarik magnet, dan segera akan mengikuti dimana kita berada.
Hal ini bukan berarti, bahwa ketika kita melakukan pelayanan kepada Tuhan maka semua hal bisa kita peroleh. Hal ini sama sekali bukan bicara tentang aktivitas tetapi suatu kepentingan kekal yang tercermin dalam nila-nilai Kerajaan Allah yang harus diusahakan dalam segenap kehidupan kita. Pentingkan itu, utamakan hal-hal tersebut. Mengusahakan nilai-nilai Kerajaan Allah seperti Kasih, Kebenaran, Keadilan, Kekudusan dan lain sebagainya. Sepanjang kita mengutamakan hal-hal ini dalam hidup kita, janji bahwa kebahagiaan dan damai sejahtera itu akan tetap tinggal dalam hati kita menjadi hak kita.

Dengan demikian saya mengupdate status Facebook saya pada hari ini :

We were created to make our world more than just going through 
the motions of limited thinking, choices and routines. 
We are a significant piece of God's intricate plan
So, be happy because you have a peace in your self when you are doing Truth and having Faith. They are the roots of happines
Just be happy..

Kita diciptakan lebih dari sekedar untuk berjalan melalui pemikiran yang terbatas, pertimbangan pilihan dan rutinitas.
Kita adalah bagian yang signifikan dari rencana Allah yang besar dan rumit.
Jadi, bersukacitalah karena kita memiliki kedamaian di dalam diri kita ketika ketika kita melakukan kebenaran dan memiliki iman.
Karena itulah akar dari kebahagiaan sejati.

Kunci untuk tidak merasa khawatir dan takut adalah dengan merasakan damai sejahtera dan kebahagiaan. Dan damai sejahtera dan kebahagiaan yang sejati itu hanya ditemukan dalam pribadi orang-orang yang mengenal Tuhan (IMAN) dan mengusahakan nilai-nilai Kerajaan Allah (KEBENARAN) di dalam kehidupannya.

Facing your giants!!!

May 10, 2011

Becoming A Woman Of Excellence

A woman of excellence
Is what I long to be
Filled with Your godly wisdom
So it is part of me

May 06, 2011

I Love You This Much

Dear Friends..

There is a lot of questions are running in my head. Sometimes, i try to stop thinking, but i always failed to do that. Perhaps, i yearn too much for a chance to make things looking good before i go (one day, in His moment). And then i am tired to face this life, because i lost the spirit of joy to enjoy a good process from Him. It feels so deeply hurtful, when i try to communicate this love for them. Why they can not understand what i mean?
In some last nights, i found my self so confused about how it would be if my time is up. How those whom I loved know that i love them so much, if they never understand my tears in many prayers in many nights just for them. I cry out to the Lord for answering me, what i have to do like i have no time anymore to do something for them.

And then I am asking my self, is it true that it is the only reason I am crying for?? Do I really love them?? Or I just feel disappointed because they do not try to be changed for good as I want. They are not trying to do what I’ve told. And it seems so desperately in my side. And I feel, I become a victim of this struggling of love.

I think I was doing too much for them, and now I come in to the limit of my strength to love them. I cannot bear it anymore . That is true; someone that we loved has a capability to break our heart awfully.

Friends, I really know that we have to love with unconditional love. But in fact, as a human, I don’t think this is really could happen in someone life. Because we need take and give, including in loving someone. This is not an easy way for me. How long I have to wait for their response? How long i have to struggle for thinking the best for their life? Could they can changed someday? 

Yeah, that is my current feeling.  And then I remember this song. This song I ever showed for Genorus Fellowship in UPH Surabaya. At that time, I talked about the unconditional love that God already and always show for us.

Can anyone really comprehend "unconditional" love?

It seems the love that parents have for their children is as close to unconditional love as we can get without the help of God's love in our lives. God is Love, and His love is very different from human love. God's love is unconditional, and it's not based on feelings or emotions. He doesn't love us because we're lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship.

And this LOVE is always good enough to help us love others and our self. I do not know how to describe for you, but this song could make me remember about the Great Love from God. And that is the only reason we have to stand up for love, always. 
No matter what happen, God gave us an ability to love others. There is no place for giving up. Love them unconditionally like God has done for all of us.
Look at the cross. God teaches us how to love. And God says: I Love you this much while opening His hand widely. The cross always reminds us that Love never failed. Love is love. And it is at work.

Hope you can reflect once again about God’s Love through this clip. God bless.

 I Love You This Much - Jimmy Wayne

He can't remember 
The times that he thought
Does my daddy love me?
Probably not
That didn't stop him
From wishing that he did
Didn't keep him from wanting
Or worshipping him

He guesses he saw him
About once a year
He could still feel the way he felt
Standing in tears
Stretching his arms out
As far as they'd go
Whispering daddy
I want you to know

I love you this much 
And i'm waiting on you
To make up your mind
Do you love me too?
How ever long it takes
I'm never giving up no matter what
I love you this much

He grew to hate him for what he had done
'cause what kind of father
Could do that to his son?
He said 'damn you daddy'
The day that he died
The man didn't blink
But the little boy cried

I love you this much 
And I am waiting on you
To make up your mind
Do you love me too?
How ever long it takes
I'm never giving up no matter what
I love you this much

Half way through the service
While the choir sang a hymn
He looked up above the preacher
And he sat and stared at him

He said
'forgive me father' 
When he realized
That he hadn't been unloved
Or alone all his life
His arms were stretched out 
As far as they'd go
Nailed to the cross
For the whole world to know

I love you this much 
And i'm waiting on you
To make up your mind
Do you love me too?
How ever long it takes
I'm never giving up no matter what
I love you this much

May 02, 2011

A Fresh Start

Dear Friends

This time, i wanna try writing in English. 
Forgive me if i did mistakes in grammar (you have to).
For the last two days, i was in Jogjakarta for an Alumni Gathering. I met new people with a variety of background. Knowing new people (Tifta, Lutfi, Audy, Jessica, Leona, etc), listening the seminar from Ms. Arie Arumwardhani, and then taking one night with one of my friend. And all of them, were a good experiences for me.

I was in the Adi Sutjipto Airport in Jogjakarta, when i begun to think and write this.

"What it would be like if there is no other chance for someone who ever failed??"

I have a friend, who ever made a big mistake in her whole life with have a baby out of marriage. And the big problem is, that the man can not marry her because of he is a husband of the other woman. Surely, she made a big mistake. Yes, she did.  But Could you know this girl teaches me a lot with her story?? The truth about God’s loves that changing someone’s life. How God teach a girl like her to think deeply about the meaning of life, the truth of happiness, the way to run well her life, and feel the power of God’s Love in her life. And that was an absolutely amazing!!

In fact, we are all learning from the experience. And the most of the powerful experience about life coming from our mistake, or someone mistake.
All of us always wish the good ones for everything in our life. We are ready for the good ones, but we never be ready for the bad ones. It causes when the bad things happen, we need much time to rise up again. We need a lot of energy to continue our journey. And the most terrible thing is some people spent so much time living in repentance of their mistake.  
It takes a long time to accept it as a blessing for doing the right ones in the future.
A chance to learn more about life, love and the other mystery.
A lesson to think deeply how being a good person day by day.

'Could have done better' is not always an easy decision to live with. Deep down many of us would like another go at life. Much may need forgiving, consequences of past sins sorted out, but every day we can start again.
Paul recounted how Jesus had said to him, 'Now get up and stand on your feet. I am sending you to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified.'

Tell everyone that you meet..
Tell everyone who are talking with you..
They can have a fresh start, past forgiven, power for the future and a guaranteed party at the end.

"Tell everyone they can have a fresh start, past forgiven, power for the future and a guaranteed party at the end"

We can start again..

Thanks my friend. You blessed me with your experience!